Cosmo Fibreglass Swimming Pools
Instant Quote

Instant online custom concrete pool estimate creation.

Cosmo Pools is a leading builder of custom concrete pools in South Africa. As a fully NSPI accredited pool builder, you are assured of outstanding construction quality and excellent technical specifications mandated by the organisation.

Concrete Pool Quote Creation

What Your Custom Estimate Includes

Your custom concrete pool estimate will provide full construction estimates along with various options extras including:

  • Pump & Filter Unit

    Your filtration estimate will be based on your requested swimming pool volume.

  • Finish Options

    You will be given estimates for white, sky blue or charcoal marbelite along with a fiberglass lining option.

  • Spa Options

    See what additional spa jets and blower pump would cost.

  • Heating Options

    You will be given estimated pricing on suitable solar and heat pump heating options.

  • Pool Covers

    Your estimate will include pricing on geobubble and safety pool covers.

  • Paving Options

    You will be given prices on both coping and extended Tuscan Stone paving options based on your dimensions.

  • Salt Chlorinator

    Your estimate will include the idea SaltLogic Self Cleaning Salt Chlorinator options for your pool.

  • Cladded Letterbox

    Pricing on Stainless Steel Laminar Flow Spout will be included.

Custom Pool Estimate

Generate Your Estimate Now

Provide us with some basic information include your area, and pool dimensions and we will create your estimate in real time.

Needed to accurately calculate transportation costs
Pool Length *
Pool Width *
Shallow-end Depth
Deep-end Depth

Where can we send your quote?

Your Name *
Your Email *
Phone Number *

Concrete Pool Quote Intro